WHAT IS Modal FABRIC? WHAT ADVANTAGES? - Young rice drap


Modal fabric not a new material, This material from the years 1930. By the beginning of the year 2000 are used extensively in manufacturing garment.
But until the recent years as the demand for quality of sleep increasing, the use of Modal fabric quilt sheets to really be widely applied.

So What is Modal?

Modal is a bio-fabrics made from recycled sources cenlulose by oaks. This is kind of old trees have long life, oak without the use of pesticides or to chemical substances to care, Because of this, Modal fabric material is considered safe for human health and the environment-friendly.

Modal fabric has outstanding features yet?

The nature of the fabric texture like cotton and silk satin, but has much superior as:
✔️ velvety surface and extremely soft.
✔️ With improved flow mechanism keeps color silk new Modal better, higher reliability and less ruffled feathers after a period of use.
✔️ Fabrics with anti-shrinkage and natural anti-wrinkle effect.
✔️ The good sweat wicking and natural cooling mechanism of the fabric without causing feeling hot or uncomfortable secrets.
✔️ great ability and little breathable absorb heat from the surrounding environment. Therefore this material can be used for both winter and summer.
Modal fabric ✔️ natural origin should absolutely safe for users and potentially antibacterial.

Hygiene and storage fabrics like Modal?

  • Modal fabric can completely sanitary washing machine, but you should note mode ( cleaning mode lightest machine) and should use this product for the laundry bag.
  • Avoid detergents with Modal fabric, While cleaning up the neutral soap. Use less soap and less water discharge ( not pickled products).
  • In the first cleaning should only wash with cold water ( khonh use soap), such as the new guarantee structure of the fabric.
  • Minimize use and laundry dryer with water at high temperatures, because it will cause fabrics to shrink, causing loss of the original in shape.
  • Modal should be dried at low temperatures to moderate and taken from the clothes dryer while moisture to reduce wrinkles.
  • Exposure in place so cool and windy, no direct exposure under the sun.

Refer some material form sheets duvet Young Modal Rice


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